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Everybody holds the key to their own healing, but sometimes the Body, Mind and Soul needs a little help. That’s where my services come in. As an experienced Reiki Practitioner, I work with you to restore your balance and find your center.



Reiki is a natural, safe and simple alternative health modality that everyone can use. Because it helps the body to bring balance to the root cause of disease and imbalance, it can be used effectively to work with physical, mental/emotional and energetic conditions. Reiki is a non-invasive and can work in conjunction with medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.
StellarWaves Crystal Light Therapy
Crystal Healing is safe and used by doctors and therapists in dedicated health centers and clinics throughout the world. The technique is compatible with all complementary therapies. As the color relating to each chakra is transmitted through the crystal, the chakra is cleansed, energized, and brought into balance with all of the other chakras. This allows the other aspects of our self, whether it be mental, emotional or physical to be brought into balance. The StellarWaves Crystal Light Therapy combines the power of Color Therapy, Light Therapy, and Crystal Therapy combined with Aroma Therapy, Brain Sync Technology, and Far-Infrared Therapy.
Amethyst Infrared Therapy Mat
The Amethyst BioMat is a long and narrow mattress like that has pockets filled with smooth amethyst crystals. When the Amethyst BioMat is turned on it sends a gentle, heating current through the stones. The current that is sent through the Amethyst Crystals release negative energies that may be attached to you or your chakras. This type of healing treatment is supported by the FDA and the benefits that it helps with including minor muscle pain, minor joint pain and stiffness, joint pain associated with arthritis, and as well as stress and anxiety.

Angelic Reiki Healing
This can be used in conjunction with other alternative therapies. It takes into account the whole person and helps activate each patient’s natural healing processes as well as restoring their physical and emotional well-being. Angelic Healing is a form of an energy healing. Each human being has an energy system, which sometimes can get blocked during our daily lives. With an Angelic Healing, it can keep your energy in true alignment. Receiving an Angelic Healing works with the powerful love and healing of the angels. Angelic Reiki is a powerful healing modality that works with the highest energies of the Angelic Realm to bring about healing and balance on all levels to those receiving the healing energy.